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Let's Work Together


What: A flexible programme of discovery from first steps to strategic plans

Who: For those curious about new technologies or ready to innovate but not sure how


  • Map your strengths

  • Identify opportunities

  • Gain cross-sector insights

  • Understand emerging technologies

  • Develop strategic starting points

  • Gather case studies

  • Generate topline ideas

  • A supportive and practical guide

Green Raven Explore Icon


What: A collaborative process to analyse your business, identify change, and implement new ways of working

Who: For organisations looking to move with the times, optimise, and maintain a competitive advantage.


  • Map your processes

  • Identify opportunities

  • Gain cross-sector insights

  • Explore emerging technologies

  • Analyse resources and assets

  • Implement innovation

  • Stakeholder support

  • A Logical and analytical guide

Green Raven Enhance Icon
Choose Your Support


What: Creative, practical, and strategic support to devise and deliver innovative ideas and original thinking.

Who: Ambitious businesses with bold ideas. Find the right approach to make your ideas and aims a reality.


  • Creative thinking

  • Pragmatic approach

  • Collaborative process

  • Varied supplier network

  • Fresh perspective

  • User and audience focus

  • Distribution startegies

  • A creative and collaborative guide

Green Raven Create Icon


What: A tailored programme of support to suit your specific needs, aims, and ambitions. Let's design the perfect plan together.

Who: For dynamic businesses that want agile support to progress strategically, creatively, and with confidence. 


  • Tailored to you

  • As involved as needed

  • Flexible timescales

  • Adaptable investment

  • Unique use cases

  • Guidance to find the right support

  • Design something together

  • An adaptable and flexible guide

Green Raven Custom Icon
Make An Enquiry
Your Enquiry



Supporting organisations across digital, XR, immersive, & innovation

FACT Liverpool
StoryFutures Academy
 Arts Council England
Second Home Studios
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Create Central
Barclays Eagle Labs
BOM Birmingham Open Media
RSC Royal Shakspeare Company
BRB Birmingham Royal Ballet
Juice Immersive
The Space Digital Arts
Coventry City of Culture
Horniman Museum & Gardens
Electric Medway
Birmingham 2022 Festival
Mercurial Dance
 Creative East
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